All ignited Minds are welcome here...!!!
Please come and Support us in Making this world a better place to live.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Special Registration Camp for "JSTS--2010"
On 1st of August at Bhawani Shankar Shadangi School From 11 am to 1 pm. This will be Last date for any type of Registration.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
"JSTS--2010": A Search for Ignited Minds....

Objective of JSTS-2010
- To choose the young brains from class 6 to 12 for CSCAGIM membership
- To make a team ready for National Children's Science Congress
- After the competition models made by student will be exhibited. (Conditions apply)
- To avail a platform for children to check their ability to work as a scientist and their passion for science
- To increase their science IQ
What are the benefits to take part in this competition?
1 To become a member of a group that is working for spreading awareness in Science.
2 To get the first hand knowledge of How Scientists work.
3 After being a member of CSCAGIM they can get access to the library of the Club.
4 They can directly send their projects for National Children's Science Congress.
5 They can share and express their thoughts with like minded persons and they even be guided by subject experts of science.
6 They can attend special workshops organised to help them in science awareness
7 Special career counselling workshops for high and higher secondary students
How to Participate in “JSTS-2010”?
- Contact your Principal or the person in-charge.
- Pay the participation Registration fee and get your name registered.
- Registration fee is per Student only Rs.20.
- Prepare your project and submit it well before the last date for Submission for first level.
- For second level prepare your model based on project and be ready for presentation.
- The Exact Date for second level will be announced with the Results of First level.
First level
1. Written project to submit in school
2. Results will be declared publicly/school wise
3. No revaluation possible
4. This is a screening round
5. No project will be return
Detail instructions for first round
· Written Project must be not more than five pages of A4 size of paper.
· Subject chosen for the project must be based on basic science and topic should be simple and clearly explained.
· You can choose any topic of science, but remember you have to make a model on it in second round.
· Project may be subtitled as – theory dealt with, formulae if used in the model/project, details of model made, diagram, practical usage of that subject, if the model is a working one that will be better.
· You have to write only on one side of the paper that is facing page. On back side of the paper you can make diagrams if needed.
· The diagrams can be made by using pencils only and no colour can be use in it
· It must be labelled properly
· The writing work must be legible
The project work may Subtitles
1. theory dealt with
2. formulae if used in the model/project
3. details of model made
4. diagram – inside the project
5. Practical usage of that subject.
6. If the model is a working one that will be better.
· Other than these five pages on front page(5+1) particulars of participant in following heads be as Name, class, Date of birth/age, school name, Contact number,
Project Title, subtitles, declaration and sign
· Declaration: I will obey all the rules made before or after the commencement of the competition. I understand that my selection for next round will conditional. CSCAGIM and coordinator's decision will be final in every regard.
· Projects will not be return. They will be property of CSCAGIM and can be use by club for publication or other purposes. No argument shall accept in this regard. For their personal use they must keep a copy of it.
Second level
* In this round, participants will be from the merit list of first level.
* Merit list will be school wise
* This is a Presentation round
* In which models based on their written project + presentation of models
* After this they have to gone through personal interview if required
Details of second round
· In second round only those who qualify first round will be entered. They have to present there models and explain it to the jury or judges.
· The results are binding on everyone whatever they may be.
· If the models are working it will be better but otherwise also it will work.
· The final results will be acknowledged them through post or in a convenient way.
· After the results they can join the club if they finally qualify. They have to deposit club registration fee and fulfil club's rules.
· This competition is not meant for any scholarships.
· Winners will be awarded with CSCAGIM membership if they selected in final results.
Format for Front Page
· Name,
· Class,
· Date of birth/age,
· School name,
· Contact Address & number (Name of person with the no.)
· E-mail id –if any
· Project Title
· Subtitles,
· Declaration and sign
· Declaration:
I will obey all the rules made before or after the commencement of the competition. I understand that my selection for next round will conditional. CSCAGIM and coordinator's decision will be final in every regard of competition.
Signature of participant with Name
· Certification by School authority
__(Name of participant)__ is a student of class ________.
Sign and Seal
[Just to certify that the Participant is in between class 6th to 12th]
Important days to remember
Last Date for Registration with Participation Fee—on 30th July 2010
Last Date for submitting Project – on 04th of August 2010
Collection of written projects from school on – 05th of August 2010
Result announcement for first round – on 16th of August 2010 (tentative date)
Dates for Second round will be announced on – Same Day With results of first round.
If any change in the plan occurs it will be informed accordingly.
for Details of how to make a Scientific project, what is a good project follow the Link __ National Children's Science Congress on Right hand side of this blog.
Ignited minds,
New Membership
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